General Rules

The following are some of the important rules for the school:

  • Only parents will be entertained to discuss any/all matter concerning their ward.
  • Assembly is compulsory for all the students.
  • Late Comers will not be admitted to class without permission.
  • Parents are strongly recommended to attend all the Parent-Teacher Meetings.
  • Parents should regularly check the School Diary.
  • In case of a legitimate complaint or a matter requiring serious attention the Principal should be promptly contacted.
  • Parents/Guardians/Visitors are not allowed to enter the Classrooms or meet their wards/teachers during school hours. In case of necessity prior permission from the Principal is to be acquired.
  • The students are not allowed to take private tuitions from any of the staff members.
  • Enrolment in the School implies a willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the School on the part of the Students and Parents.
  • Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and companions with politeness and courtesy. Refinement of manners, uprightness and self-restrain should distinguish every student of the school.
  • Since We are English medium schools, all students are expected to speak only in English during school hours. This will help in academic progress in the subject and in acquiring requisite language skills.
  • Attendance is compulsory on non-teaching activity days like: children's Day, Teachers' Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, etc. unless a notice is issued by the Principal stating otherwise.
  • Possession of money and expensive items is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are advised not to wear gold studs in their ears. Only simple, small ear rings, will be permitted. No other jewellery, especially rings, is to be worn by them. Application of Mehandi on hands and feet is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should wear simple watches and spectacles with simple frames.
  • The students are required to come in complete, neat and clean uniforms.
  • Please see that your children bring with them tiffin box, pen, books, etc. when they come to school. No arrangements will be made to send these things to the students during working hours if brought by parents or servants.
  • Students who fail twice in the same class or students who have been given special warning will not be allowed to continue their studies in the school.
  • No request for change of Name or of Date of Birth will be entertained.
  • Strict silence must be maintained in Science Laboratories and in the Library.
  • Care must be taken of the school property; the students must not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any kind of damage done to the School-property for reasons ofdefiance/malicious intent will lead to dismissal. Damages to Laboratory equipment or breakages shall have to be made good before taking up the next test.
  • Habitual neglect of studies, immorality, using vulgar language, stealing, causing damage to the School property, insubordination, resorting to mal-practice in the examination, writing on walls or furniture, spitting on the walls etc. are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal from the College.Students who are late i.e. those who come after the assembly will not be admitted to the class. The Parents/Guardians should check entries in the diary regarding possible late-attendance of their wards.
  • It is compulsory for all students to bring the School Diary to class daily.
  • The pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. It is not advisable for children to bring valuable articles to school. Money should neither be lent nor borrowed, nor articles exchanged.
  • In case of sickness, parents are advised not to send their ward/s to school.
  • Parents should send their ward/s with all the requirements, as no child will be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours.
  • Hair: In case of short hair -- A hair-band or clip of specified colour is to be worn. In case of long hair — one/two plaits can be made and band of specified colour. is to be used. Colouring of hair is strictly prohibited.
  • No fringes or side locks should be kept.
  • No fancy hair clips are to be worn.
  • Nails are to be clipped regularly and kept short with no nail enamel applied.
  • Parents should regularly check the school diary.
  • In case of a legitimate complaint or a matter requiring serious attention, the Principal should be promptly contacted.
  • Parents/Guardians Visitors are not allowed to enter the class-rooms. In case of necessity, when students or teachers are to be met, prior permission from the Principal is to be acquired.
  • Where specific precautions, e.g. regarding health, are to be taken for a particular student, Parents/Guardians have to submit a written application to the Principal.
  • Parents/Guardians are advised to caution their wards against the purchase of food and refreshment from street vendors outside the school premises.