Why Us?
  • Creating bond
  • Creating bond
  • Creating bond
  • We know emotional, mental, and moral well-being is important and work to create it in our students
  • We know that neglecting and abusing Nature can cause havoc. We try to sensitise our students and encourage them to restore it.
  • We know the importance of basics and teach practical life skills, at the same time helping students to identify their interests and turn them into passions.
  • We believe in the creed of our guiding light, St. Ignatius of Loyola: "Laugh, and Grow." Like him we believe that "Love is more expressed in deeds than in words." So Prem and Seva are our guidelines in all matters.


Life, in all its forms- from the microscopic amoeba to the largest Redwoods, from the tiniest fleas to the mightiest whales- is venerable and deserves to be protected and be allowed to flourish. Doing our bit to create the web of love and protection.

  • Creating bond
  • Creating bond
  • Creating bond
  • Creating bond


Our #GreenWarriors are ever active. While they are a part of the school and after they leave our portals. Even when they re-visit. So many of them bring their favourite saplings to plant in the school garden. To create a continued link with their school. Sometimes in the loving memory of Ma'am Pathak. Sometimes to serve as an excuse for another visit. We encourage all.